Saturday 26 December 2009

A Very Happy Handmade Christmas

I enjoyed a very nice Christmas day despite being ill. It was very quiet and peaceful, with lots of yummy food, snow, gifts and the delicious Lucas panettone Ice-cream, shared with my Mum, Dad, Brother, Gran and Aunty. Perfect.

Both my mum and I were determined not to be trailing around the shops looking for presents
most of December and decided to craft some if not most of our presents.

Between us we made Christmas Apple and Plum chutney (two batches!), our first venture into chutney making and I think it turned out quite well, (even if we did manage to turn the jar lids orange when sertilizing them). My mum made loads and loads of her famous Dumpling Cakes which she's been making for years and years.

She also got busy on her sewing machine and knocked up some very styllish aprons.

We both got crafting with some socks. I made lots of sock bunnies in a variety of colours and mum tried out an original sock monkey. (I will hopefully post a sock bunny tutorial soon.)

I even received some crafty diy presents...

... and a flask so I can take soup to uni with me :)

My friend Siobhan is an illustrator and sent me a beautiful card. Check out her website here.

Here is my little bro modelling a hat my mum knitted for my boyfriend's Christmas present. She even learnt how to crochet to do the light blue bit around the edge.

I'm already thinking about many more crafty projects for next year's presents.

Hope you had a great Christmas too.


  1. Mmm. Plum and Apple Chutney...
    It would be most improper if any of that were to find its way to me before I've marked your assignments, so whatever you do DON'T accidentally leave a jar outside my office or anything.

  2. I love your crafty xmas :). You've made some pretty cool stuff my dear, keep up the good work. and i look forward to u joining the flask gang at the lunch table :p. (the gang only consits of me and brogan so far lol!)
